Chimera is a rollerskating company set on revamping trends of the 70s. By using abstract edgy designs Chimera aims to sell to a large varying audience. Shipping would go across country and customers can send back old skates for refurbishing.
Chimera releases one new skate every month as well as a yearly collection designed with a partnered small artist. Customers can also send in old skates for refurbishing and get them customed designed.
Chimera releases one new skate every month as well as a yearly collection designed with a partnered small artist. Customers can also send in old skates for refurbishing and get them customed designed.
The word 'era' is highlighted in Chimera in honor of the previous popularity of rollerskating. Above the word are glyphs honoring roller blade wheels and bringing attention to the hidden word just like the hidden arrow in Fedex or the arrow showcasing a to z products in amazon.
~Scroll to see skates and collections~